Sunday, 21 June 2009

Organizing Update

Quilting Newbie commented that she would like to see photos of the results of my organizing. Now, I'm always nervous about showing how "organized" I am (NOT), but here goes anyway.

The sewing machine on the bottom right of my new hutch belonged to my grandmother. It was manufactured in 1924, and I used it for many years to make garments. I haven't tried it lately, but I suspect it still sews beautifully. The decal is "La Vincendora". There's only one tiny problem with the machine - the foot pedal needs rewiring - because when I last used it, it decided it wanted to start sewing all by itself, without my foot on the pedal.

I found the jar of thread spools at an antique store in St. Jacob's, if I remember correctly. I'm oh so tempted to reach in and use some of them. There are even bobbins in there that will fit my lovely Sphinx treadle (but that's a picture for another day).

And the work continues...

Thursday, 18 June 2009


I'm not really missing in action. Things are just a little, um, crazy right now. I'm making progress in my sewing room, and I'm planning to get back to it "real soon now". The last few days I've been suffering withdrawal, because I haven't even been able to keep up with reading my blogs list. :-(

On the plus side - I'm going a quilt show on Saturday. I'm looking forward to the inspiration!